Jonas carried the last of the logs to the stack beside the hearth. "That should last until New Year's Eve, at the very least."
"Thank you, dear. I'm sure we'll be fine. And my grandsons will be here for Christmas, so I'll enlist them if we need more fuel." She smiled at him. "You're sure you won't stay for a cuppa? Carrying wood is thirsty work."
"I'm OK, thanks, Mrs Evans."
She shook her head. "Well, nobody can accuse me of being a bad host. I've left your money on the table at the front door."
"Much obliged." Jonas tugged his beanie over his ears and went to the entrance. "See you at the Christmas Market?" he shouted down the passage.
"Wild horses couldn't keep me away."
Jonas smiled. He pocketed his earnings and pulled the door shut behind him. He could see his breath ahead of him as he walked to his pick-up. It was just after four in the afternoon, and he could already count the first stars on the horizon.